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CL102 AUTO DISHWASHER RINSE is a liquid rinse aiddesigned as a water dispersant and neutralizer for use inautomatic dishwashing machines. The primary function ofCL102 AUTO DISHWASHER RINSE is to disperse the rinsewater to ensure the rapid drying for dishes and utensils. Thesecondary function of it is to neutralize any alkali residue inthe rinsing process to maintain a neutral pH at the end of thecleaning cycle.

Auto Dishwasher Rinse

  • CL102 AUTO DISHWASHER RINSE is a liquid rinse aid designed as a water dispersant and neutralizer for use in automatic dishwashing machines. The primary function of CL102 AUTO DISHWASHER RINSE is to disperse the rinse water to ensure the rapid drying for dishes and utensils. The secondary function of it is to neutralize any alkali residue in the rinsing process to maintain a neutral pH at the end of the cleaning cycle.


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