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CL711 AIR FRESHENER A highly effective air freshener.
Provides a fresh and long lasting scent to the entire room.
Perfect for removing those damp, unpleasant odors in every
corner of your home, hotel, spa, restaurant, office, bathroom
or car. Provides a long lasting fresh scent (non- allergenic).

Air Freshener

  • CL711 AIR FRESHENER A highly effective air freshener. Provides a fresh and long lasting scent to the entire room. Perfect for removing those damp, unpleasant odors in every corner of your home, hotel, spa, restaurant, office, bathroom or car. Provides a long lasting fresh scent (non- allergenic).


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+855 98 859 888

© ២០២២ ដោយ CamboLab Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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